In booking the Pooch Park, you agree to follow the guidelines, rules and terms of use for the park stated:
- We are a working farm and further down the track we keep our much loved livestock, including cattle, sheep and free to roam hens. There may be Highland cattle in the adjacent field to the park during some months of the year (winter only). We really do need park users to keep dogs on leads until securely inside the park. We offer the drive in gate code too, so you can drive into the park and close your car/van inside, avoiding any potential escapees! We appreciate your consideration with this to avoid any incidents occurring and to keep everyone safe. It is always good practice to be cautious of livestock in the countryside, no matter how much you trust your dog’s recall. Thank you 😊
- ALL dog waste should be picked up and disposed of in the bin. Bags are provided in the equipment shed. Litter should also be disposed of in the bin provided.
- We have a no smoking policy within the park. BBQs should not be used.
- There is a 24 hour cancellation policy in place, so if you are not going to attend your session, you must bear this in mind to receive a full refund.
- If the weather is deemed at all unsafe for the park to be used, we may cancel your session and close the park for use.
- Never leave dogs unattended in the park.
- Children are welcome in the park, but must be supervised by an adult.
- All equipment and toys are there for use at owners own risk. The agility equipment is NOT for human use, no children or adults should be walking on the agility equipment at any time. Users are liable for unreasonable damages.
- The Pooch Park accept no liability for injury or death of any visitor, person or dog. The park also accepts no liability to any loss or damage to persons, dogs or vehicles during your visit.
- There is drinking water on site for your dogs. A paddling pool is in place for hotter days. Please be careful with the water though as we are on a well supply!
- The fencing stands at 2.2m (standard deer stock fencing) and is rabbit proofed at the base (90cm height). It is up to owners to assess the suitability of the park for their dogs use. We are off the main road and the only vehicles that will pass on the track are occasionally our own, deliveries and park users.
- Under no circumstances should sick dogs be exercised in the park. Gastro symptoms, kennel cough symptoms- please do not attend. Your dog should be up to date with vaccinations, titre testing, worming etc.
- Please avoid exercising in season bitches in the park as this can create issues for training sessions following your visit.
- Please do not groom your dog in the park and leave clumps of hair behind 'for the birds'. It never gets taken and just looks messy and is also a potential flea spread risk.
- No digging is permitted in the park, especially along the fence lines.
- There is a 5mph speed limit on the track from the main road to the park. Please adhere to this!
- Please care for the space and its contents and do let us know if anything is damaged or broken as soon as you can.
- Please do not hang around the car park once you leave the park as the next customer might be waiting to get in at the bottom access gates. Essentially your time in the park is 55 minutes, with 5 minutes spare to vacate. Late exit may incur a charge if the result is someone else’s time is absorbed. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation.
- Prohibited Breeds - we do not exclude any breed from the Pooch Park. Our insurance offers public liability cover to the land only, therefore it is entirely up to the owner to ensure rules and regulations are followed and adhered to at all times. Please ensure your dog is securely inside the park before you allow it to be free with no muzzle if you so choose. You can drive directly into the park and secure the gate behind you if this is easier and saves walking from the car to the park on a lead. Should you have multiple dogs in your household including your prohibited breed, you can exercise them freely together, but you must not mix freely with dogs from other households during your visit. We do not require a copy of your exemption or insurance.